Crystals and Atlantis

According to Dolores Cannon in her book "The Search for Hidden Sacred Knowledge" where she uses hypnosis and past life regression to access the lost knowledge from the subconscious mind of the people she is working with, "Crystals were controlled by minds. 

To be able to do that peoples should have had emotional mastery in order to work the energies in the way they needed to be worked. To work the energies trough the crystals, the minds required to be centred."

The energies were directed into the crystals with the minds. They had  to have control of their intentions and their attentions  which they couldn't do if they were in a fearful place.

Emotions interfered  when people were out of balance. When in balance the emotions can empower intentions.

In Atlantis different peoples had different agendas the egos got in the way of these technologies and their egos got in the way of higher agendas.

They were trying to harness Mother Earth energies  Their intentions were control in today's term of military uses.

They were successful in harnessing the energies but not in control of it. Their egoistic beliefs in their own abilities were not in line with reality. 

One group was trying to support Mother Earth in maintaining the balance. They were doing that by projecting energy into the crystals, harmonious loving energy but their own emotions were out of balance and that was difficult.

At one time humans had control over their emotions but not at the end of Atlantis period.

There were two powerful energies working. It was like an incoming wave of energy meeting an outgoing energy at the shoreline. They come together. There was a rapidly moving energetic response which was large enough to rearrange the earth. One was larger that the other and that energy was the negative one.

Hidden History

Atlantis, free energy devices, impossible architecture, advanced technology in the past and lost history or hidden history from the humanity.

The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to
continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too
expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables
and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you
will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa

"Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present
controls the past." - George Orwell

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty
and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up
some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. -

 "I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that
can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman

 “I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking
on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside.” - Rumi

Elis Island an Artificial Island Built By the Previous Civilization?

Ellis Island is a federally owned island in New York Harbor, within the states of New York and New Jersey, that contains a museum and former immigration inspection station of the same name.

Ellis Island is in Upper New York Bay within New York Harbor, east of Liberty State Park and north of Liberty Island. While most of the island is in Jersey City, New Jersey, a small section is an exclave of New York City.The island has a land area of 27.5 acres (11.1 ha), much of which is from land reclamation. The 2.74-acre (1.11 ha) natural island and contiguous areas comprise the 3.3 acres (1.3 ha) that are part of New York, and are located on the northern portion of the present-day island. The artificial land is part of New Jersey. The island has been owned and administered by the federal government of the United States since 1808 and operated by the National Park Service since 1965.

Are these buildings Tartarian buildings?
Characteristics red brick
elaborate architecture
artificial Island in proximity of Manhattan New York 

Clocks in a Private Collection Athens

Oil in the Golf of Mexico

On April.20 , 2010 an explosion at the offshore of Deepwater Horizon drilling platform. Caused untold millions of gallons of petroleum to leak into the Gulf if Mexico.

Operated by British Petroleum (BP) the drilling platform disaster caused a number if human deaths and illnesses and eradicated a huge swaths of Gulf Wildlife. Was this a simply mishap or a plot created by a sinister agenda?

Radio Commentator Dave Hodges wrote a series if articles regarding the Gulf Coast Holocaust pointing g finger to BP Transocean, Goldman Sachs and Halliburton. Accor6to Hodges these companies have repeatedly lied about the ecological damage done to the Gulf, lied about the damage done to the people and their health.

It appear that everyone in the Gulf lost money on the oil spill except BP and its corporate partners.  According to BBC BP and his Gulf Coast partners Goldm6Sacks Transocean and Haliburton  all experienced major gains in corporate profits as a result if the spill.

Transocean rewarded it's too officials with bonuses for achieving the best year in safety performances.

Transocean CEO Steve Newman received a bonus payout of $374,062 part of his compensation package of 5.8 million.

Worse yet internal e-mails revealed Goldman Sachs profited from the Gulf Disaster by making a substantial financial bet against the Gulf if Mexico by short selling Transocean one day before the explosion.

Goldman insiders bet that the stock of Transocean would go down which it did in the wake of the explosion so they profited.

Federal investigators found an email from a Goldman Employee Fabrice Tourre in which he bragged to his girlfriend that One oil rig goes down and we are going to rule in dough.

Outraged Sterling Allan wrote on the "It turns out that Goldman Sachs really did placed shorts on Transocean Stocks days before explosion sending stocks plunging while GS profits soared benefiting once again from a huge disaster, having done the same with airline stocks prior to 9/11 then again with the housing bubble.

from "Our Occulted History Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? " by Jim Marrs


Is the ability of a psychic to read the history of an object by holding it in his hands.

It was discovered in the 1840 by a professor named Joseph Rodes Buchnan, whose pupils showed an astonishing ability to identify various substances that were wrapped up in thick brown paper packages.

One if his followers,  William Denton a professor of geology discovered that this pupils could see prehistoric panoramas when presented with dinosaur teeth or fragment of pterodactyl, even those specimens were wrapped in paper and shuffled among dozen of other similar packages so that even the experimenter had  any idea which is which.

Buchanan and Denton assumed that, in some strange sense all objects record their history particularly if they are associated with strong emotions  and that a sensitive is able to play back the recording.

Smithsonian Institution, Grant Canion and Eggyptian Artifacts

A thirty year employee of Smithsonian identified as G.E. Kinkaid had discovered a cave in 1909 while boating on the Colorado River. The cavern was nearly inaccessible the entrance was 1486 feet below a sheer canyon wall.

Once inside Kinkaid found mummies and relics that he shipped to Washington DC.
A report of Kinkaid in the Gazette stated " on all the urns, it walls over doorways and tablets of stone which were found by the image are mysterious hieroglyphics the key to which the Smithsonian Institute Hope's yet to discover.
The engraving on the tablets probably has something to do with the religion of the peoples. Similar hieroglyphics have been found in southern Arizona.
Among the pictorial writings only two animals were found one is if prehistoric type."
Kinkaid 's report also noted that in one large room were mummies , all male and all wrapped in bark fabric.
Other rooms contained cooking vessels and storage places and one room smelled snaky seemed to be filled with gad or chemicals.
The Gazette also related that another Smitsonian archaeologist S.A .Jordan was making additional searches of the cave and has discovered evidence strongly indicating that the cavern has been once inhabited of a race.of oriental origin possibly from Egypt tracing back to Ramses.
The conclusion of the article is that Egypt and the Nile and Arizona and Colorado were connected by a historical chain.

.the Phoenix Gazette article seems to be the only real evidence that the discovery ever takes place.
After receiving a map of the Great Canion around the 94 Mike CreaƧkand trinity crackhead areas with names like Tower of Set, Tower of Ra, Horus temple, Osiris temple.

In the Haunted Canion area were such names as Cheops Pyramid, Buda Cloister, Buda Temple.


Delos Greece

Maurice Chatelain has written of sacred sites connected with a perfection that could only have been accomplished from the advantage point of outer space.

He described 13 mystical sites within a 459 mile radius of the long venerated Greek island of Delis connected by straight lines to produce a perfect maltose cross later the emblem of king templar.
Delos has always been considered one of ancient Greece,'s most sacred sites although  body knows why.

In our past ancestors came from outer space Chatelain wrote."What interest us now is how such a gigantic pattern was.marked on the Aegean and surroundings lands. I do not believe that even today land surveyors could mark such a gigantic figure over 360 miles jumping from island to island.and stretching o er the sea and mountains.
Except.from high up in the sky this maltese cross cannot be visible.
In the Odysey of the Gods Erick  on Daniken writes of an experience with Theopanis Manias a Greek air force officer who had studied topography at the Natiinal technical University of Athens.
He took a pair of compasses placed the point on Delphy and drew a circle through the acropokes Strange to say the circumference of the circle touched Argos.and Olympia.
These places were equidistant of each other.
Then he placed the c compass point at knosos at Cretr another circumference of the circle touched Sparta and Epidarus.
When the centre was at Delos Thebe and Ismir lay on the circumference.
When the centre was at Paros it was Knosos and Chalcis on the circumference.
When the centre was at Soarta  Mycene and the Oracle site of Trofonion were on the circumference.