Showing posts with label I G Farben. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I G Farben. Show all posts

The History of US Oil Companies and IG Farben of Germany before World War II

Standard Oil Group of companies in which Rockefeller family owned one quarter and controlling interests was if critical assistance I  helping   azi Germany prepare for World War 2.
In 1934 about 85% of finished petroleum products were imported. The solution adopted by Nazi Germany was to manufacture synthetic gasoline from its plentiful domestic coal supplies.

It was the hydrogenation processor producing synthetic gasoline and isotopes octane from its plentiful coal supply that enable Germany to go to war in 1940.
Hydrogenation process was developed and financed by the Standard Oil laboratories in the United States in partnership with IG Farben.

Before World War 2, Standard Oil had agreed with IG Farben in so called Jasco agreement that synthetic rubber was within Farben's sphere if influence, while Standard Oil was to have an absolute monopoly in the US only if and when Farben allowed development of synthetic runner to take place in the US.

In 1929 Walter C Teagle president of Standard Oil of New Jersey became the director ifa newly organized American I G Farben. The majority of stock in the research company was owned by Standard Oil. The result of this research were made available to I. G Farben and became the basis for the development of Hitker oil from coal program which made World War 2 possible.

In 1924 the Ethyl Gasoline Corporation was formed in New York  city jointly owned by Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and General Motor Corporation to control and utilize US patents for the manufacture and distribution of tetraethym lead and ethyl fluid in the US and aboard. Uo to 1935 manufacture of these products was undertaken only in US.

In 1935 Ethyl Gasoline Corporation transference its know how to Germany fi use if rearmament program. This transfer was undertaken over the protests of the US Government.

In 1935 Ethyl Gasoline Corporation signed a joint production agreement with I G Farben in Germany to firm Ethyk G. M.B.H. and with Montecatini in fascist Italy for the same purpose.

In 1938 just before of the outbreak of war in Europe the German Luftwaffe had an urgent requirement of 500 tons of tetra ethyl lead.

Ethyl was advised by an official of DuPont that such quantities if Ethyl would be used by Germany for military purposes.

This 500 tons was loaded by Ethyl Export Corporation of New York to Ethyl G.M.B.H of Germany in a transaction arranged by Reich Air Minisyry with IGFarben director Muller Cunradi.

DAPAG Deutsche AmericanischePetoleum A.G. the Standard subsidiary in Germany was 94% owned by Standard Oil of new Jersey.

In 1935John D Rockefeller owned stocks in value of $245 million in Standard Oilof New Jersey, Standard Oil if California and zdocony Vacuum Company.


Wall Street Banksters Financed Franklin D Roosevelt The Bolshevik Revolution and the Rise of Adolf Hitler. By Commander X