Showing posts with label Indrid Cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indrid Cold. Show all posts

Inner Earth Beings

Margaret "Maggie" Rogers was a mysterious woman who claimed to have spent three years living inside the Earth.
She wrote an unpublished manuscript that told her story of the alleged visit to the Underworld.

Maggie was a Heroin addict that moved to Mexico in 1937 after finding that heroin was cheap.and easy to find there.
At one point she started praying for a relief from this drug addiction and her prayer was answered. 
She was taken in an underground place where she lived for a while. She was healed from her addiction by people that lived in a cavern undergrounds city.

She met there tall beings that spoke Spanish and English but used a disk in front of their lips when they spoke because their frequency of the voice was too strong and was hurting Mary's ears when they took it off. She was healed in few weeks but stayed longer to learn about their customs and talk about them when se returned to the surface.

She found that Mira the person she was taking care of her and Mira's people work  24 hours per day.
They have technology that rejuvenate people's and some people that come underground are invited to join them and live underground. 

They call themselves Nephli.
Mira got married while Maggie was living in the underground city. Her husband used to live on the surface and decided to go underground got rejuvenated and got married.

Nephli people have vehicles withouth motor and without whells. They use energy healing technologies. 

According to Mira many of the Nephli live on the surface. Many of them are scientists engineers doctors lawyers, judges.

The Nephli are masters of reducing rays as well as the enlarging rays so they appear smaller althat their actual size to the people on the surface. 

These men are sent to the surface to search for this who have even a small strain of Nephli blood in their veins to acquaint them of their heritage and to aid them.

During her stay in the underground city Maggie visited the houses of different people's. Their tables were made of stones. Large blocks of marble spread with soft four served them as beds.

Those who had more than one child had 8 or 10 rooms. At infancy the children of Nephli were walking and they were tall. 

Maggie met on bearded man and was told that he came from Venus. She found out that Nephli have colonies all over the known and unknown  universes without the knowledge of the  surface people .

They have holographic technologies that show the history of the human race.  
This type of technology is similar to the one Radu Cinamar wrote about being in existence in Bucegi Mountains under Romanian Sphinx.

Bibliography  Hiding in the Dark Indrid Cold's Secrets of the Hollow Earth by Indrid Cold 

Deros Teros and Ancient Underground Technology

In 1944, Richard Sharp Shaver sent a letter to editor Ray Palmer. At that time, Ray Palmer was editing Amazing Stories, a science fiction magazine published in Chicago.
Shawer letter contained data on an alphabet. Shaver said that this was an ancient alphabet that should not be lost to the world.

Later, Shaver sent to Ray Palmer a manuscript  titled "I Remember Lemuria".

What happened was summarized by an article in Life Magazine the shower mystery concerned a race of malformed human creature called The Rose detrimental robots who inhabited a vast system of underground cities all over the world they are original name of their habitat was lemuria they were once the slaves of Lemurian Master race. This master race has a long since disappeared from the Earth since then there was occupied themselves primarily with persecuting humans race who lived on the cruise of the Earth above them. They performed most of their harassment by telepathy erase and under remote control devices from their Subterranean homes.
A network of vast cave is that beneath the surface of the Earth a race called abandoneros leave in the caves the descendants of Titans or atlance an elder race who left our planet when they discovered that the radioactivity from our son limited they are long life span. Once the Titans and atlance went into outer space they found another planet with a son that offered an uncontaminated warmth.
Abandoneros where equally affected by our son radioactivity. Left behind on Earth they sought Refuge from this deadly rays.
Using complex Machinery left by the Titans and atlans the abandoneros left the surface and became the inhabitants of a vast Underground Cavern cities.
Living in Caverns and tunnels the bandoneros started to the generate into a demoralized state.
Their physical growth was stunted their features became brutish.
Their mental process changed turning them into sadistic being without consciousness.
Fortunately there is another group from the same route race called Teros who overcame the dangers of living in a Subterranean world. The mental process and consciousness reminded normal due to their research into chemicals medicine and the rays that maintain their balance.

Shaver claim that that Deros lived longer that Teors.
Deros gradually gained control of the interior.
They have captured many of the machines left behind when the Titans and Atlans left Earth. They use this machines for evil and sadistic purposes.
Shaver list the machines used by Dero.

They are
1. Visionary machines which have the ability to penetrate through the Earth cruist and pick up a picture of scenes of any point in the world.

2. Another machine is the teleportation unit enable the user to be instantly transported to any spot on earth. Men and supplies can be transported through the teleportation mechanism.

3. The next device is a mental image machine this create an illusionary life like solid projection by operating on the mind of the receiver. They use this machines to create the illusion of life like sexual orgies.

4. These people have also flying saucer, 
5. Death Rays 
6. Healing Ray Machines.

All this equipment was left behind by the Atlans and Titans.
Deros are subhumans incapable of maintaining the equipment the ancient Masters left behind. But those that are still in good working condition it will remain usable for many more centuries.
People on the exterior of the planet are also descendants of the Abandonero our ancestors were left here where great migration into the inner earth took place.

Scattered around the globe and when the sun rays damaged their body they degenerated backward into the prehistoric cave dwellers. The people on the surface developed tolerance to the sun rays. They were the original teachers of they are less fortunate Brothers guiding them up to the scale of evolution.

Our myths and legends about Lemuria and Atlantis are a racial recollection of the golden age before our son become Radioactive.
Despite this Collective memory we have not yet recaptured the Lost knowledge that once belong to Atlans and Titans.
Some of the inner earth peoples are great enemy of surface Humanity. They have dream mechanisms ray gun it's a device that can be aimed at a sleeping surface dweller. It can create bad dreams and bad behavior in these people.

The flood came along when our moon was pulled out of its orbit round the Sun. Virtually all the surface of world was under water many parts of the underworld where flooded. Some of the tunnels are still there but they are filled with water. After the flood the Earth was largely unpopulated. Some people had survived the Deluge by seeking sanctuary in the caves. Gradually they came up to the surface and slowly multiplied. The cover verse became a Secret After the flood.

According to Shaver the world inside the earth contains Cavern cities there are windows and doorways leading off from the main tunnels cities are built either natural or artificial covers most of the people in the interior are interested in life on the surface. They have built-in closed circuit Vision that monitors activities on the outside. They are look and Visionary machines are utilized to bring images from the surface World down into the caves.

Hiding in the Dark Indrid Cold's Secrets of the Hollow Earth by Indrid Cold