Showing posts with label Pantheon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pantheon. Show all posts

The Pantheon and the Ancient Sun God

Pantheon of Rome is an example of the Ancient temple. In the past the hole was covered by a large lens that amplified the sun light.

We find the possible explication in the ancients teachings in the book "Ancient Sun God (1956)" by Hilton Hotema.

Ancient nations revered the fire and light of the Sun. They would not permit their altars  to be lightened by any other means than the concentration of the Sun's rays through a burning-glass. Lenses were placed in the ceilings at various angles so that each year at the vernal equinox the Sun in the midday would send its rays through these glasses and light the altar fire that had been prepared for this occasion.

The ever burning lamp of the alchemist which burned for thousands of years withouth fuel in the catacombs of Rome is a symbol of the same spiritual Fire within man's body.

This spiritual spark is an infinitesimal part of the Divine Fire the Cosmic Fire, from whose flaming hearth the altar fires of all creatures have been lightened.

Thenfure built by man is a very small part of the Great Fire of the universe tgat produces life and generation. Just as itnsustains life it also generates life.