Showing posts with label John Lear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Lear. Show all posts

John Lear on ET Cases

John Lear was the son of the founder of Lear Aircraft Company.

A cording to John Lear there are several groups of interplanetary visitors to Earth.

The only known home of this interplanetary visitors EBE is Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2 a binary star system visible from the southern Hemisphere approximately 38 light years away with a special class of G2 identical to our sun.

They're types of EBE (Grays).
Gray-1  ÷-1/2 feet tall large head, large slanted eyes Worshio technology,  Don't respect humans.
Gray 2 same type different finger arrangement.  More sophisticated than Gray 1 .Use common sense , passive. May not need secretions.
Gray3 Same basic type Lips thinner.more subservient to other Grays.

Blondes Swedea Nordics. Similar to humans Blond hair blue eyes. Will not break the law of non interference to help us. Interfere only of the action of Grays have adverse effect in other parts of the universe.

Inter dimensional - Entities that can assume various shapes. Peaceful nature.

Hairy Dwarfs. 35 lb. Extremely strong. Hairy, Neutral.  Don't try to hurt intelligent life.

Tall Race look like humans but 6 or 8 feet tall. United with blinds.
Humans appearing similar to Blonds seen with Grays.
Drones created by Grays Child like mentality.
MIB - Men in Black. Wear black clothes Sunglasses,  Very pale. Do not conform to normally accepted patterns. Extremely sensitive to light. May be holographic image.

Whe  this all started up until 1959 the government was under the mistaken impression that all the visitors arriving on Eart were friendly toward a Stull developing civilization. 

Sourse: America's Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms Plus Hidden History of Our Tome by Commander X and the Comitee of 12