Showing posts with label Yesu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yesu. Show all posts

Yesu of the Druids

Throughout history there has been a legend in the southwest Peninsula Somerset and Cornwall of England and Southern Ireland that the Palestinian Eseene whom we call Jesus Christ visited and resided at a place we call today Glastonbury in Northen Somerset

In Glastonbury County of Somerset England and only there in all of the western Europe is there found a thorn Bush which flowers twice a year and almost exactly on Christmas and Christian Easter.

The story goes that these bushes are descended  from a staff left outside a suturing one of thenoeruodic visits to the tin mines of Britain by one Joseph of Arimathea a proeminent Hebraic and Roman official who was also the uncle of Christ and his guardian.

There isna known fact that the Phoenicians and other Palestinians obtained a major part of their supply of tin and other metals from this area, in the islands that the Greeka called the Cassiterides.

So it is possible that a leading metal trader such as Joseph of Arimathea could have taken his adopted son age 12 on a trio with him to the west.

The man historical we know as Jesus Christ appears to have been missing from Palestine from the age ofn12 until 30.

A Celtic priest could probably teach a Palestinian Essene more than any other people whom he could reach a pure philosophy that he could develop to apply to his ministry when he went home.

The fascinating thing  is that Celts  did have a Messiah Belief and this great philosopher and teacher to be was called "Yesu". Coincidence?

Some of these legends are contained in the stained-glass windows of Saint John the Baptist, one the parish churches in Glastonbury. 

Source:  Valiant Thor's Book of Extremely Ancient Aliens Edited by Gray Barker and Andrew B Colvin