The Farmer Claims Program

The Bankers though themselves above the law.

In 2870 when Federal Land Bank Illegally foreclosed in Farmer's mortgage all throughout mid-west,  in each case the farmers were defrauded by the banks with the approval of Federal Reserve System. 

These court cases become know. As Farmer claims program.

In 1978 an elderly  ranch Farmer in Colorado purchased a farm with a loan from. Federal Land Bank. After he died the properwas passed to his son Roy Schwasingerq Jr.  a retired military General.

He needed to vacate the property in 30 days. His deceased father signed a stipulation which reversed the property to Federal Land Bank in the event of borrower death.

Outraged Roy Schwasinger filled a class action. 
Back and forth there were found that banks were foreclosing on properties using fraudulent methods such as charging exorbitant interests, illegal foreclosures, not crediting mortgages, steal the mortgage payments for themselves, 

Word of lawsuit became to spread legal team offer to help how to fight foreclosures...IRS was hitting them with large fees
Farmers fought back so new info got out 
None of the banks had complied with the Federal and State Bureau of Records.

Farmer claims were valid. US federal government and banks had defrauded farmers.

DirthermirenIRS was a Puerto Rico Trust and Federal Reserve was unlawful. Income tax amendment was onlynratified by 4 states and was not a legal amendment.IRS was not enacted into Positive Law( meaning positively recognized branch of government).
Proof of banks ilegal activities were revealed by a retired CIA agent.

Ancient Stone Art

It was a civilization in the past that had a different Art that we have now.
They had a 3d type of paintings or holograms in stone.  That Art can be seen now in cutting of the marble.stones that we use for decirating bathrooms ir floors. Most of the real marbles stone that are cut have in section sample of this ancient art. The scenes represent parts figures people and animals of their life. When you have in the bathroom a real marble just pay attention. 
These stones were placed in a moving mechanism so the images were moving probably, in a 3d show.
I took these pictures from a bathroom wall in a trip to Mexico.
see the mouse?
a man with a beard in a long robe .
the face with with Trump like hair one eye and a.large mouth.
This is the face of a dog running up the mountain the face and part of the front leg is visible.
you can see the eyes and the mouth of something facing p.  Not sure what it is but the stone was cut by the masons so we do not have the entire figure.

Here we have a Trump like face again. We can see the mouth the nostrils of the nose, a triunghiular eye and a rectangular face.
I was learning about this art last year from a book of Valiant Thor called "Beyond the Shaver Mystery The Ancient Earth and its Story in Stone" by Valiant Thor and another book make reference to this art Contemporary Shamanic Journeys volume two Spiritualist Tribes and Communities by SunBow TrueBrother

Bretton Woods Agreement

IMF International Monitory FundWORLD bank and GATT were created in 1944 during Bretton Woods Agreement.

Their policies have allowed the bankers to capture within the United States all its gold, national parks, non profit corporations all property of 14th amendment citizens and the birth certificate bonds.

These assets are.managed by the Governor of IMF who is the Secretary of Treasury and a paid employee of IMF.

So IMF gained cintrol iver land and people if the US .

This agreement dictates that US Dollars would finance constructions of factories in foreign lands to compete with American Jobs.

Gold reserve sranknto 22% in 1972.

1945 UN was established in New York

Criwn of England recaotured her colony and now is in control of the world financial system. .


This is a picture of the back side of the Moon.
Black Knight Satelite of Anunnaki 
This is a picture of the Anunnaki ship that is flying around the Earth. 

I have read books that confirm the information you provide here.Ingo Swann "Penetrarion" is ine of them where he remote view the back side of the moon, Zecharia Sitchin books where he detail information about Enki, Enlil and Dolores. Cannot that talks a out ET craft that they were the one that helped Hebrew tribes to cross the read sea with energy weapon that pushed the water of rhe Red Sea for a period of time when the Hebrew tribes left Egypt and let the water back when the Egyptians followed them. They were not positive people. Elena Danaan talks also about Enki in one of her latest books and the fact that they live long lives performed genetic manipulation on humans of  earth with the intention of enslaving humanity. They were not positive and not gods. They had and probably have technology more advanced that some humans at that time.

ET and US History According to John Lear

1946 General James H Dooolittle went to Sweeden to inspect a flying Saucer that had crashed at Spitzbergen. The Truth was know only to few peoples. They saw little creatures as praying mantisws who were morenadvanced than us by a billion years.

On the original team that were to learn the horrible truth several committed suicide . One was general James V Forestal.

1939 Germany have recovered a flying Saucer.

President Truman put a lead on secret and keep the secret sontight that the general public still thinks that flying saucers are a joke.

President Truman established a group of 12 military and scientific personel known as MJ 12 to keep the information regarding extraterrestrials hidden to the large public.

The U S government used deadly force to cover up.ehe existence of UFO.

July 1952 a panicked give watched helplessly as a squadrons if flying saucers flew over Washington DC and buzzed the White House, the Capitol Building and the Pentagon. It took all the imagination and intimidation of the government to force that incident out of the memory if the public.

Thousands of sightings occurred during the Korean War and several saucers were retrieved by Air Force.

One Saucer was so enormous that the logistics of transportation was so enormous that it was buried at the crash sight and itnremain there today.

On April 30 1964 a communication between the aliens and US Government took place at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. Three saucers landed at a prearranged area and a meeting was held between the aliens and intelligence officers of the US Government.

During rhe period 1969-1972, MJ-12 representing US Government made a deal with these creatures called EBE Extraterratrial Biological Entities called this way by Detley Bronk the original MJ-12 member and 6th president of John Hopkins University.

The deal was that in exchange for "technology " they would provide to us they would ignore abductions of people that were going on andsuoress information on cattle mutilation.

The EBE assured MJ-12 that the abductions usually lasting about 2 hours were merely ongoing monitoring of developing civilizations.

In fact the purpose of the abductions turned to be:

1. The Insertion of a 3 mm spherical device through nasal cavity of the abductee into the brain ( same visual as the Egyptians in the past dis to the slaves, or horror covid testing during 2021-2023).
The device is used for the biological monitoring, tracking and control of the abductee.

2. Implementation of the Posthypnotic Suggestiin to carry out a specific activity during a specific time period the actuatiin of which will occur within the next two to five years.

3. Termination of some people so that they could function as living sources for biological material and substances.

4 .Termination of individuals whonrepresent a threat to the continuation of their activity.

5. Effect genetic engineering experiments.

6. Impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies secure the crossbreed infant.

The US Government was not initially aware of the far reaching consequences of their "deal". They were led to believe that the abductions were essentially benign and since they figure it out that the abductions would probably go on anyway they agreed or not, they merely insisted that a current list of abductee be submitted on a.periodic basis to MJ-12 and the National Security Council.

EBE have a genetic disorder that their digestive system is atrofied and not functional. Some suspect they were involved in some sort of accident or nuclear war or back side of evolutionary curve. In order to sustain themselves they use enzyme or hormonal secretion obtained from the tissue that they extract from human and animals. (Cows and Humans are generally similar. In case of disastermcownbloodncan be used by humans)

The secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide and applied in the skin by spreading or dipping parts if their bodies in the solution.

The body absorbs the solution then excrete the waste back through the skin.

The cattle mutilation were prevalent during 1963-1983 as publicly noted through newspapers magazines and documentary of Linda Howe were fir the collection of these tissues by the aliens.

Source: "America's Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms Plus Hidden History of Our Time" by Commander X and the Comitee of 12

John Lear on ET Cases

John Lear was the son of the founder of Lear Aircraft Company.

A cording to John Lear there are several groups of interplanetary visitors to Earth.

The only known home of this interplanetary visitors EBE is Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2 a binary star system visible from the southern Hemisphere approximately 38 light years away with a special class of G2 identical to our sun.

They're types of EBE (Grays).
Gray-1  ÷-1/2 feet tall large head, large slanted eyes Worshio technology,  Don't respect humans.
Gray 2 same type different finger arrangement.  More sophisticated than Gray 1 .Use common sense , passive. May not need secretions.
Gray3 Same basic type Lips thinner.more subservient to other Grays.

Blondes Swedea Nordics. Similar to humans Blond hair blue eyes. Will not break the law of non interference to help us. Interfere only of the action of Grays have adverse effect in other parts of the universe.

Inter dimensional - Entities that can assume various shapes. Peaceful nature.

Hairy Dwarfs. 35 lb. Extremely strong. Hairy, Neutral.  Don't try to hurt intelligent life.

Tall Race look like humans but 6 or 8 feet tall. United with blinds.
Humans appearing similar to Blonds seen with Grays.
Drones created by Grays Child like mentality.
MIB - Men in Black. Wear black clothes Sunglasses,  Very pale. Do not conform to normally accepted patterns. Extremely sensitive to light. May be holographic image.

Whe  this all started up until 1959 the government was under the mistaken impression that all the visitors arriving on Eart were friendly toward a Stull developing civilization. 

Sourse: America's Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms Plus Hidden History of Our Tome by Commander X and the Comitee of 12

ET and Secret Sicieties History

1776 A secret organization was started by a Jesuit priest named Adam Weishaupt. This organization was known as The Order of Illuminati. It's purpose was to take over political control from the Catholic Church abd the kings of Europe.

1777 Adam Weishaupt was initiated into the Masinic ƒrder in Munich Germany.

January 25,  1878 John Mertin of Dallas Texas observed a flying disk.

1889 Jose Bonilla took several pictures of over 300 objects which crossed the Sun.

1896-1897 a wave of sightings occurred in Unites States of winged cigar shaped crafts and airships

1909 the first recorded waves of European sightings occurred in England.

1932 Adolph Hitler directed German scientists to work on aircraft designs using advanced technology provided by the Gray entities from inside the Earth.

1933 Franklin D Rooswelt became the president of the United States
He was a Mason at the time when the interaction with the Grey entities began with the US Government.

1933-1934 There were 487 Flyi g disks sightings cases in Scandinavia( 240 Norwayy, 96 Sweden, 157 Finland.)
July 11 ,1934 aboard rhe navak Shio Balboa the first deal was made between United States and Grays. The agreement stated that the aliens would not interfere with our affairs and we would not interfere with their affairs. It allowed aliens to establish underground nasesnon US Soil in exchange for alien technology.

1936-1937;Another wave of increased sightings of disks over Scandinavia.

1938 The Germans began flying experimental craft using unconventional power sources obtained from downed aliens craft.

1947 a powerful radar unit caused the crash if several alien disks in the Four Cirner Area of the US. The most notable were Roswelt and Aztec New Mexico .
The disk recovered had a reptilian Specie in board as well as the bodies if US Air Force Pilots that have been mutilated.
The disk crashed at Roswell netted one live alie  that was referred as EBE Extraterratrial Biological Entity.
President t Truman knew nothing about aliens prior to that time.

1947 Truma  decided to keep everything about alie s secret and established a group of 12 top military and scientific personel to deal with the aliens. The group were known as Majestic-12 or MJ 12 and the group still exist today wit different representatives.

1947 President Truman caused National Security Act to be passed  creati g Centrak Intelkigence Agency CIA inorder to hide the activities if the government and the Alien problem.

CIA Mind control projects began at Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Project Sign was created on December 30 1947 at Wright Field to investigate disk technology capabilities and performances. Testing were done at Groom Mountain Nevada.

1949 alien craft often was hovering over sensitive nuclear instalation in New Mexico.

1951 EBE THE ALIE. became ill and died. President Truman created NSA National Security Agency to.monitor and contain the secret of the alien presence, decipher alie. Communication and establish ongoing dialog with aliens.

1952 A group known as Bildelberg was created I order to take the decision making about alien problem and other international Issues out of the hand of the governments.  The Bildelbergs headquarters in Genevaevolved I to an elite secret body that still control international Situations.

1952 disks flew over Washington at a speed estimated at iver 7399 mph

1953 there vwere 10 disk crashes with 26 dead and 4 living aliens.

Astronomers discovered a large object that entered in the solar system. The air force ein the same year discovered huge orbiting objects between 100 and 509 miles altitude.

1953 Members if the Pleiadians race mer Eisenhower to warn him about rhe Grey and offers their help. Conditions were that people stop killing each other stop poluti g and destroying the earth and request their help as one people.Their help was refused because e theynwould not provide advanced technology. It was decided by the government ți communicate with Grays and possibly aquire advanced technology. 

Source: America's Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms Plus Hidden History of Our Tome by Commander X and the Comitee of 12

Ancient History

75 million years ago an Intergalactic Federation existed consisting of 75 planetary civilizations. However this Federation was overcome by a catastrophe resulting in culturaldesert with fragmentation iver population and war.

50 million years ago Tall Blind entities from the Andromeda Galaxy used black hoke to enter the Milky way Gallaxy near Arcturus. They settled in the Lyran system.

22 million years ago Lyran wars began. Portions of the Lyran population settled in the Orion , Taurus abd Era constellations.

On Earth early human development evolved slowly fir the first 150 million years.

2 miliion years ago the Elohim came to Earth from the Eldebaran system. They were tall humanoid species with blond hair and fair skin. Rheybdeparted with iver 10000 of our simian ancestors.

Hundreds of year later they returned țo deposit a more advanced genetically engineered race that could use tool and fire.

The Elihum has returned 7 times within a period of 23 years to accelerate the huma. Evolution.

450,000 years ago the Anunnaki settled in Earth.m from the planet. Ibiry in Mesopotamia.

300,000 years ago a great war vegan on Rigel with Orion  Constelatuon. Peaceful talk Blimds escaped to the Procyon system in Canis Minor. Those whinremained on Rigel became tall Grey with genetic damage due to nuclear weapon exchange.

208,000 years ago the tall Grays reconstituted their power base and began the Markab Empire with the short Grey from Betrlgeuses and conquered Procyon covertly with mid control

100,000 years ago the Anunnakimated with Neanderthal beings to from
Cro-Magnon terrestrial beings as a genetic hybrid for mining purposes.

70,000 years ago Lemurian and Atkantean civilizations began to fluorish.

50,000  years ago, 70,000 rebellious beings left Pleiades and settled on Earth where they flourished.

40,000 years ago a war broke out and nearly all on earth was destroyed. A few escaped in another planet. The Survivors on earth became wild and degenerated.

38,000 years ago those that had escaped returned and rebuilt Lemuria and Atlantis l

30,000 years ago the current homo sapient s began in the Andes.

12,000 years ago Lemuria and Atkantis are destroyed by a global catastrophe.

6000 years ago the Sumerian civilizations thrived between tiger and Euphrates present day Irak.

5000 years ago civilization spread to Europe and Indus  Valley of India.

America's Top Secret Treaty With Alien Life Forms Plus Hidden History of Our Tome by Commander X and the Comitee of 12