Lao Tzu

The venerable philosophers sage LaoTzu was born in 604 BC in China during Chou Dynasty (1027-256 BC) that was characterized by constant Warfare between several Chinese states and by the tyranny of their rulers.

La Tzu was highly educated philosophical and intuitively wise and was a librarian at the Chou court.

He became disgusted with the world around him and about 539 recreated I  a self imposed retirement in a monastery eventually dying probably in 515 BC.

Before he became inaccessible to the World many petitioned him to write out his wisdom for the edification of his flowers.

The result of his agreement to do so was the Tao Te King or (Ching) that has been translated in English As "The book of reason and virtue of the right way and The Book.of Tao"

To is commonly translated as "the right way of life" as "Way" or "Path" or "the way of Bliss".

In its broadest sense, Tao refers to the way the universe intrinsically functions,  the TAO PATH  being the Way PATH taken NY the natural events.

The Way of Tao is characterized by creativity and by regular alterations of phenomena ( (such as day following night ) that proceed without effort.

Efforts actions is illustrate by the conduct of water which unresistingly accept the lowest level yet wars away the harvest substance. In order to achieve efforts action man following the Tao must above all striving especially that of desire.

Tao is the essence of form less, but out of which emerge all formative phenomena and things each in their own way, each having their own effortless PATH.

In modern context is seeing things as they are versus seeing them only in the context  of what we desire them to be. On other words "what will happen will happen" when and for as long as it does, this being the manifold Way of Tao.

Seeing such will result in tranquility and the serenity of enlightenment, but also in
Spontaneous positive and  increasing creativity Nd transformation that become available within the context of an "advanced consciousness ".

In Europe the book of Tao was first rendered into Latin in 1788, and therefore in other languages including several English translation  not all of which are consistent with each other. One basic reason for the confusion is that English simply did not and still does not have matching concepts or terms for many of the important Chinese ones.

The Wisdom Category Shedding Light on a Lost Light by Ingo Swann

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