When darker beings were allowed to enter the portal at Stonehenge they began to clone humans and did other atrocities breathing animals with humans.
Because they were rejected as light beings they vegan to rebek and brought nightmare to human realm.
The guardians are now assisting nthe process of clearing the energy.
On Atlantis information was retrieved through crystal vibration and a strong network system of energy.
The Atlanteans introduced much of the Lemurian knowledge and the Knowledge of Ra through gateway.
Crystall skulls were created during this unrecorded time in our history to keep the information flowing.the information.atuon was on a crystal grid originally created by the Lemurians and then it evolved into a more finely tuned network system that covered the planet.Yjere were no longer pockets of lands that were uninformed.
This is what we realize to be Christ-consciousness grid.
.the same grid was used to spread the news about Jesus Christ .
There were many other civilizations that were thriving at the same time such as South America, Middle Easr Asia and Africa. However Atlantis was the highest Mecca of Power and strength that was unmatched by any other civilizations before or after.
When thendestructuin of Atkanti occurred the mist important artifacts were retained and protected.suchnas the Crystal Skulls.
The attributes of Atlanteans were similar to those if the Lemurians in a way that they were able to transform their bodies.
The Seer By Jessica Arael Marrocco
Footprints in the Sky The Truth about the Alien Super-Race that built Atlantis and the Great Pyramid by Valiant Thor
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