Rock Books

In 1944, Richard Sharp Shaver sent a letter to editor Ray Palmer. At that time, Ray Palmer was editing Amazing Stories, a science fiction magazine published in Chicago.
Shawer letter contained data on an alphabet. Shaver said that this was an ancient alphabet that should not be lost to the world.

Later, Shaver sent to Ray Palmer a manuscript  titled "I Remember Lemuria".

During The Last 5 Years of his life Richard shower was involved in collecting what he termed a rock books this were stones that he found around his home in Arkansas that contained pictures of the pre diluvian world. Shower felt This Were A record of what had transpired back in history.
They are not rocks but pictureal record preserved on silica. The ancients made this records for the same reason we made microfilm musical recording books and movie.
The Rock books were compiled Before the Flood said shower the flood wiped out a great civilization at the time we obtained our moon from its original orbit around the sun. This rock books are like film back that we use in camera today.
They are important because our ancestor on Earth left them. Some of the rock books contain picture of ancient man and woman. Sometimes shower a rock books require a vivid imagination to see an image on the stone.
Other Stones were sliced to obtain several views.
A rock books are our key to discovering what took place back before the flood. You just have to collect them study them and you start compiling a record.
Some of the tails you see in the bathrooms today are cut from these rocks that have been imprinted in the past. This was a 3D image that is visible now in the stone or marble tails.

In some pictures that are amphibious being. The flood came along when our moon was pulled out of its orbit round the Sun. Virtually all the surface of world was under water many parts of the underworld where flooded. Some of the tunnels are still there but they are filled with water. After the flood the Earth was largely unpopulated. Some people had survived the Deluge by seeking sanctuary in the caves. 

Hiding in The Dark Indrid Cold's Secrets of the Hollow Earth 

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