Harper Paxson discovered mummified remains of a race of 7 ft humans whom he believes lived in
huge caverns 9000 ft deep as long as 23000 BC He also believes that UFO
originate from the centre of the Earth emerging from the polar vents
due to their concerns about the surface's man testing of atomic devices.
He wrote the book Genesis
There are tunnels more than 100,000 years old beneath Washington DC and in er Earth entrances see Bruce Walton and Hudson Frank.
Hruskocy Phil The Hollow earth and the Freedom of Information Act
article 1977 talks about Government secrecy and cover up.of what really
happened during Admiral Richard E Byrd's flight to the North Pole.
Von Humboldt in the book Views of Nature or contemplation on the sublime
phenomena of Creation (1850) refers to an account of subterranean
gardens beneath Cajamarca Peru, containing ancient Inca gold and other
wonderful treasures.
Huntington O.B. article in Young Woman
Journal in March 1892 describe a warm and fruitful land beyond the north
pole a country inhabited by ten tribes if Israel..it is divided by a
river on one side of which lives the half tribe if Manasseh which is
more numerous than the others.
An article from 1960 in Search
talks about a man who discovered an entrance to the Subterranean World
in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil and his meetings with a subterranean man of Atlantean Inka descent whi invited him along with
his family and friends to come and live with his people in their
underground Utopian city.
Howard Rex Legends of the Quints Valley article in written in 1945
An ancient tunnel near Quints Valley in Chairman Sound south Alaska which lead
to a huge subterranean cavern abandoned city abandoned long ago by a superior
race of giants. In relatively recent times they returned from the stars to re-establish
in their underground city which has been occupied by a degenerate race
of dwarfs during their long absence according to Indians of the area whom the
writer interviewed.
from the book Valiant Thor's Guide to the Inner Earth.