Weather Warfare

Are we the unwilling unaware recipients of a Weather Warfare?

The global controllers are utilizing every tool they have at their disposal to distract populations from the wider horizon of unfolding and accelerating global ecological collapse. The signs of environmental collapse can be difficult to distinguish from a distance, our forests are a primary example. An up close examination is essential if the truth is to be discovered. Earth’s remaining forests are dying by the day. No trees, no people, we are perilously close to both outcomes. Even at this late hour the vast majority are still completely oblivious to the tidal wave of biosphere implosion that is towering over us. What will it take to wake the sleeping masses?













 The Players - Calgary Alberta Canada Conference


Ten tons of Aluminum dumped on people has no effect he has been asked.minute 39 of the video.

This guy was sampling the air

particles found in the crowds min 44 of the video.

Particles are manipulated with radio frequencies


Particles are manipulated with radio frequencies

Transmissions that can heat the upper layers of the atmosphere like the Ionosphere.

Steer upper currents and weather systems.


Weather systems searing

dangerous powerful microwave frequencies.

Electromagnetic fields are energy sources and they are going to be interacting with moisture in the air or our bodies.


how it works?



Min 45

 So people are paid to research plan and produce chemtraisl.




for Geoengineering